Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas Concert

Having kids is great, especially when you get to experience something for the first time. Of course, Alli being our oldest, a lot of those firsts will be experience with her, but of course that doesn't mean that we love Hayden any less. This week we got to see Alli perform in her school play. She started kindergarten this year and she has really enjoyed it. She is in the french emersion program which is why most of the songs are in french. Neither Jen nor I actually speak french but I am 1/2 french and my mother did speaking to me when I was younger. More importantly we both think that learning a second language is an important endeavor so we decided to take advantage of the opportunity and enroll Alli. There are other benefits to the french emersion program that Jen, I am sure, would be happy to share with anyone interested. 

Alli loves to sing the songs she learns at school and we find that she is really picking up things fast. It is really amazing how much she has learned. She has been singing some of the songs for a bit and it was fun to see her sing them all at the concert. 

Alli has recently had a thing with shaking her bottom, we don't know where she got it from. Jen would probably point the finger at me but I quickly deny any responsibility. Regardless, she was quite excited to share with us that in one of her songs the kids all shake their bottom's. I though I would share that little bit with everyone.

By popular demand, well at least demanded by the only person who really counts, Frere Jacques!

1 comment:

  1. I'm pretty disappointed that I can't watch the video, since it says it's "private".
