Sunday, April 3, 2011

Relocating H2O

It is a custom in this frozen place to relocate newly fallen frozen H2O (aka snow) from the sidewalks and driveways to the grassy areas. This allows people and vehicles to use the areas without the fear of falling, slipping or getting stuck. I hope yesterday was the last time I will have to do this until the fall.

On Friday it was relatively warm and the existing snow melted, we though spring was here finally… Well, not quite yet. Calgary is known for it’s bazar weather so this should really come as no surprise, however, Calgary also isn’t known for it’s large snow falls. We really don’t usually get that much snow, this year has been an exception. Yesterdays snow fall was quite a large one.



  1. Oh it feels like Christmas all over again, minus the presents. :( Brielle had fun in the snow and I promised her (though I know that was a silly thing to do) that this would be the last time she really got to enjoy it because Spring IS coming! I think I might have said it as more of a threat... woops.

  2. The exact same thing happened here, yesterday was 22 degrees and then today we woke up to snow! (as you can see on the temple grounds while watching conference!)
